Soil structure, surpluses, deficiencies and imbalances in the soil can all have a limiting impact on production and product quality. We recommend that periodic soil and where necessary leaf tissue analysis be taken as an important component of farm and soil health management.
We can take samples, send to lab for analysis but importantly help interpret the results.
If other issues prevail we can also conduct physical testing of the soil looking at elements like penetrometer readings, infiltration rates, brix levels, root aggregation and more.
Testing can be arranged at any time.
Compost is never a silver bullet but as part of a biological farming programme can give long lasting benefits to the soil and the health and production of the farm.
Compost can be a mulch to reduce water loss, a weed suppressant, a slow release fertiliser as well as a biologically active blanket full of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes and a host of other bugs that can enhance your soil’s health. Compost is also a great source of foods for your native microbes to consume and thrive.
A biologically active soil will improve plant nutrient uptake, improve soil structure and over time improve your production.
We believe we know composts as well as anyone and have personally overseen over 300 batches of compost made on pasture farms and vineyards.
From our experiences we have handpicked inputs that add value to our systems. We are continually learning and continue to improve our compost product.
We can make batches of compost on site bringing in specialist equipment to row up, turn and blend.
We monitor all batches regularly and we can bring in bulk compost where required.
Composts can be tailored to address a nutrient need or deficiency.
We’ve made high Calcium composts, High Phosphorus composts and composts with elevated trace elements.
All completed batches are analysed at our expense.
Our Liquid Compost Plus products are based on our pure Compost Extract which is made from a highly biologically active compost mother pile that we have been nurturing for over 2 years. The compost mother pile created from over 30 different composts, forest floor scrapings, cereals and more, forms the base of our Compost Extract.
To the Compost Extract liquid base can be added a range of materials suitable for the circumstance at hand.